The Lumiere Brothers gave birth to movies in the year 1895 with their revolutionary camera and projector Cinematographe but the first digital video for a company was created a lot later in 1941. It was produced by the Biow Company and was a 10 second advertisement for Bulova watches. The advertisement costed only around 10$ and was aired at the beginning of a baseball match in New York on WNBT (now WNBC channel four) on 1st January, 1941. In the Indian context while televisions were introduced to India in the year 1959, the country had to wait 19 years for its first promotional advertisement which was created for the Gwalior Company in the year 1976.

First advertisement in the world: Bulova Watches

The title of the oldest corporate company in India is held by the Wadia Group which was founded in the year 1736. The corporate sector of the country has grown by leaps and bounds with new companies getting added every year. The competition is cut throat and every company wants to stand out in the ever-competitive market. According to Hubspot, 72% of consumers and 60% of executives prefer videos to text. This in itself will give you a fair idea of the role visuals play in establishing a business.  This is where corporate films come into play.

With the advent of the digital era, each and every business feels the need to mark their presence and corporate films do that by portraying the ethics, showcasing products and establishing brands through visually appealing videos that are run on various platforms. But corporate films don’t just stop at marketing. These days they are also used to train and connect with employees and to communicate with the general public. Let’s take a look at the types of corporate videos being created these days.

  1. Industrial Videos

When a company is established, they have a defined vision and mission which they want to achieve through a definite set of core values and modus operandi. These values are what segregate companies from one another. Industrial videos are created to introduce a company within a specific market by projecting the company vision, mission and its work ecosystem. They are aimed to showcase what a company stands for and to imprint a particular brand on the audience minds. The timing and scale of industrial videos depends upon the name and size of the organization. For example, the industrial video of Tata Motors would be completely different from a small-scale upcoming player.

2. Testimonial Videos

All companies work upon one ethic or the other, be it the core principle that the firm operates upon or the work environment that they provide to their employees. But the question arises how will these core ethics and values be relayed to the general public? Now, one may say you can simply create a simple video to sell these principles but what about trust? Humans function upon trust and word of mouth acts as a great persuasive strategy in image management. This is exactly what Testimonial videos do. Companies use personal experiences of employees as well as clients to sell their core values and work ethics. This helps them create an image as a trustable brand in front of the consumers.

An example of a Testimonial Film is Viral Bug Films for Homelane Interiors

3. Explainer Films

As the name suggests, explainer films do just that: EXPLAIN. They don’t have a universally defined definition due to their expansive nature. Generally, they are used to effectively convey complex facts to target audience through simplistic content and visuals. They can be both realistic videos with graphics or 2D or 3D animated videos. If we explain facts like why one should use a particular product through text or speech, most people will find it boring but if we provide the same information with appealing visuals, people are bound to stop and watch it.  This is why explainer films follow a specific agenda or persuasive advertising. They can be used for B2B, B2C as well as C2C purposes.

And we will let you in on a secret!  Viral Bug Films  provides services for all three.

Photo: Corporate videos tell your story to the target audience in an appealing manner

4. Promotional Videos

Photo: Promotional videos need to be quality videos that retains audience attention

Promotional videos are one of the most crucial aspects of modern-day business. They have been used since a very long time to lure consumers through new and innovative ideas. They are used to establish a business as a brand within the market and are used for advertising and marketing. With the advent of digitalization, these videos have taken the form of campaigns that cater to the target audience to consistently increase and maintain market presence by boosting sales through striking visuals, voiceovers slogans and content that the audience finds alluring.

5. Product Launch Videos

So, after a long period of research and development, a company has finally come up with a novel and ingenious product, all set and ready for the market. But how will the consumers become aware about it? Now, this is the job of product launch videos. These videos create a general buzz about upcoming products besides spreading brand awareness. There are a few factors to be considered while making product launch videos. They should be quick, engaging and shareable. Their visual appeal should make them interest arousing and non-skippable. Because if they aren’t interesting enough consumers will browse past them and won’t get to know about your product. This in turn would result in them not using it, however great it might be. And What would be the use of that?

Photo: Product launch videos play a crucial role in creating brand awareness

6. Support and FAQ videos

Let’s imagine this scenario. A consumer finally buys a product of a company. Everything is going well till he runs into an unexpected issue while setting it up or simply using it. What’s more this issue might be faced by more than one consumer?! Now, what would the consumer do? They will probably visit your website for the customer care number in order to find a solution. But what if there’s already a video available on your website or your digital media pages, targeted towards the particular issue? It would make the work easier for both the consumer as well as your customer care executives as it will help cut down the constant to and fro between customer care and the consumers. This is what Support ad FAQ videos are all about. Often times they are used as a common marketing tool, this strategy helps build trust in the brand as it provides quick solutions to basic queries. These videos relay information in the form of an individual or using graphics and might answer one question per video or multiple queries into one. All in all, they leave both your consumers as well as your employees happy. One couldn’t ask for more.

7. Staff Training Videos

Having a skilled staff is one of the fundamental requirements for any business. A properly trained staff can do wonders for any organisation but for that they require training to help them understand their job profiles while also communicating expectations. Staff training videos play a variety of roles within a company while saving training costs. They inform employees about the core values of the company and how they are expected to honour them through their behaviour and work. They teach employees how to do their job and when people from various backgrounds train together, it encourages inclusivity and overall team development. Besides this these videos eliminate the need to travel to different branches altogether. Another advantageous aspect of training videos is that videos retain more attention compared to long lectures. And we shouldn’t forget that they are versatile and can be shown anytime, anywhere which makes the work even easier.   

8. Internal Communications

Global organizations are humongous and operate worldwide with branches in various countries. These organizations might have the head office in one country and branch offices all across the globe. So, how does the management of these organizations interact with all of their employees?  Yes, this is what Internal Communications videos are meant for. These videos are meant to communicate messages from the management to all their employees. They help reach all employees at once and keep them informed about all the workings within the company which gives them a sense of belonging and helps build long term loyalty and trust.

9. PR Communications

Digital platforms have blurred the lines between marketing and PR in the present era. They have become synonymous with each other and the end goal is all about winning business. That’s what really counts doesn’t it? This is why videos are also used as a PR tool and various PR activities are done via videos with great online content to help it emerge as a distinctive player in the market. Once a business finds the perfect blend between traditional videos and communication, it can reach out to buyers directly. In the online world, marketing and PR go hand in hand and corporates need to create videos that are an amalgamation of both in order to make their mark.

The nine types of corporate films serve their own respective purposes. Some are meant for the masses, some for a specific audience and then there are others which are only meant for the employers and employees. Visuals are the demand of the online generation as they find them more impactful and enticing than text. This is why we, at Viral Bug Films provide video production, graphics and novel ideas catered to the needs of every organisation. If you require assistance with any of the aforementioned videos, you can trust the bugs to handle it all with all their passion, skills and expertise at your disposal.

Schedule a free consultation and turn your vision into reality.
